Mature Fantasy

A community project a few years in the making based on a history of other successful community projects. This time- it’s open to the public to come and enjoy if they so choose!!

What IS Project Homebound?

To put it simply, P.H.B. or as it is officially named SOUL FALL is a community sort of DnD that also isn’t a DnD.

Some may say Roleplay.

For me this has roots going all the way back to 2006 when I made some friends on the Internet (Xat.com specifically) and did silly RP and later DnD. Come 2008 there was a service known as Playstation Home and we were joining bit by bit. 3D environments, Avatars, customization… BOOM!!

We migrated to PS Home and did our thing for the next 7 years, amassing hundreds of comrades along the way who partook in the shenanigans and greatly evolved it. When Home shut down in 2015, we became homeless; but not hopeless. Migrating next to Facebook, the few of us keeping that spark alive established what would eventually be known as the RP group “Mugen no Monogatari” and rocked that for a number of years. For my story though, I parted ways around 2017-2018 due to drama and other personal reasons… and for a few years, I wasn’t part of anything too big.

Well, that’s changing, because Project HomeBound is intended to be THEE next wave. Despite the development hell that has been the last year and a half, I and my friends are DETERMINED to get this community thriving again with a new storyline and some new characters- carrying on that tradition.

What IS The Plan?

The plan currently is to get the group going. We spent about a year developing and planning over on Discord- only to realize that Discord made recruiting and sharing kinda rough. So now the 7 (as of 12/20/24) of us are planning a revival on Facebook once more.

We’re getting our characters moving and our stories brewing.

Here in 2025 we are going to break ground and get at it, creating new stories and having our fun!!

What does this mean for me? Well- I’ve already been writing spin-off content to prepare and promote Soul Fall (see Veil of the Lost as an example on Penana). Along the way, who knows what our community may do. We may help each other grow our own individual content, we may connect different creators and pave the way for something magical. Only time can tell.

~Check Out The World Anvil~

(The Wikia Basically)

Click The Icon Below To Open!!

Check out our world as it develops into something, give it a visit!! See character bios, see what the world turns into, check out the plot, learn what other creators are creating. There’ll be loads to see… and if you feel up to it, perhaps you might join us yourself~

~Read My Tales As Soul Fall Grows~

Don’t want to join the Group but want to read some content that comes out of Soul Fall? Well besides the Facebook/BlueSky Pages sharing, I will be writing and releasing the occasional chapter that recounts events or is its own offshoot.

Content Coming Soon...

~Continued in Memory of Those We Have Lost to Time Along the Way~

Wesley “Shadow Blackheart” Dafoe

Amanda “Tara” Frost

Destiny “Unmei” Tenorio

Nathaniel H. “DroidBustr3x” Davidson

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