Attero Dominatus!!
Welcome to the vault where I store my swirling orbs, keystones into the unknown- unknown that shall only be revealed bit by bit.
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Free to read on all of the sites above, no questions asked. To read in true-blue format the way I wrote it, check out the Releases page!!


(For a full rundown of Ravenlight, visit the Ravenlight Page)
Status: Ongoing | 2018-Present
Genre: High Fantasy, Young Adult
Featuring: Weekly Chapters, Chapter Art, Character Art, Soundtracks, Area Maps, a World Anvil Page, and more!!
Female Leads, strong character arcs.
A brand new world beaming with magic and supernatural phenomenon.

For the full rundown of Ravenlight, visit the sub-page beneath this page (the menu) or click the button below to be redirected!!

Follow Elise Bakuuva, a young 16 year old girl who grew up liking books and peace, now thrust into a world of chaos. A world of broken physics, magic, mysteries, new cultures, new dangers, love, hate, and loss. A world where your sense of understanding goes out the window; though some things may strike as eerily similar. A world where people can be vile and backstabby; yet also where they can be warm and welcoming.
Anything can happen here, genuinely, a story with no limits. So what are you waiting for? Grab some tea, have some snacks, sit back, and explore the world of Ravenlight~
(For a full rundown of Soul Fall, visit the Soul Fall Page)
Status: Planning | 2022-Present
Genre: Fantasy, Mature
Featuring: Story Arcs by Multiple People, A ‘Live” Group where the story unfolds, unofficial art and tracks, and a community of its own.
With multiple writers, as a community driven series, the possibilities are endless here.
Originates back to 2006 where 10-DnD friends built a long lasting legacy. THIS… is the next iteration!!

For the full rundown of Soul Fall, visit the sub-page beneath this page (the menu) or click the button below to be redirected!!
Description coming soon…
Status: Pilot Debuted 2020
Genre: Fantasy, Young
As of 2020 this project is pending an indefinite hiatus with a single Pilot unveiled. Part of the Celestial Fictional Universe, Sins of Fate was a case of “Power Rangers” meets “Star vs The Forces of Evil” meets “Scooby Doo” with a blend of different character groups taking on various jobs/quests for their employers.
Combating the ‘forces of evil’ as they could best be described with rather obtuse villains such as The Gator Tator or The Silver Mole, to more serious villains like The Imp King or The Goblin King.
With 20 Chapters released it is a relatively quick read. As of now the project’s fate is unknown pending other projects succeeding it. A comeback could be possible in the far future.

-Read for Free on Penana-
Destiny is what we make it, nothing is ever pre-decided, not even among the Celestials. Isn’t that what they say? And yet so many Celestials opt to do the same thing, to fight the supernatural that plagues the Mortal World & threatens good. For some, it is to give back for the lives they had so that they may protect the living. For others, it is to live up to their Arch-Angel Heritage and become proud warriors. For some they simply seek knowledge or to prove themselves, even for revenge or fun.
For ten Celestial Warriors of the Starset Kingdom of Elysium, destiny seems to have a plan. While they might all have different reasons, they all shall come together for the same thing: to save their world as well as ours from Sin.
Ten shall become one and stare down the barrel of the gun pointed at reality, to disarm and save what they all believe in. Their journey will take them against mad scientists with fake monsters, against all powerful demons from beyond space and time, against even themselves; from the skies of Heaven to the depths of Hell, to the shores of the Mortal world to those unknown. For these ten gifted students, destiny has a plan most valuable. The question remains, will they follow that path and their own, or walk the boarder into darkness and succumb to become that which they fight?
Status: Pilot Debuted 2020
Genre: Dystopian Fantasy
As of 2020 this project is pending an indefinite hiatus with a single Pilot unveiled. Part of the Celestial Fictional Universe, Wings of Freedom was intended to be the mature title of the season. Best described as a combination of the movies Priest & I, Frankenstein PLUS the game Metroid Prime 2. A follow-up to the Midnight-verse title Nightwalkers which was established solely for the desire for there to be a fight on top of a train.
A dystopian world where humanity clings to life on the backs of super groups such as The Church which can produce Super Soldiers- soldiers capable of combating other lands as well as the scourge of humanity… the Darkling.
A short project of only 10 chapters, WoF could see a resurgence as Ravenlight takes off in 2025; though that is a topic for another time.

-Read for Free on Penana-
Life on Genesys was as it was for any other planet in its prime, prosperous. Society after countless wars over religion, philosophy, resources, revenge, et cetera… had come together in the name of peace. For thousands of years, this peace stood strong, all until the cataclysm. The Year, now known as 0 of the new calendar, a meteor of unknown size and origin struck the planet, and tore it asunder. Dust and storms blocked the light of Genesys’s Mother Star for years, causing an extinction of much of the life on the world. The impact left a scar the size of a small country on the Southern Pole, though that was not all it did.
In the coming months it became evident that the impact had disrupted the Astral Forces of the planet, tearing its Celestial Energy in half. The outcome had robbed the planet of its life force and severely wounded it though that was not all. Portals began to appear, portals to the planet’s other half… a darker half full of demons, monsters, and unknown evils. In no time at all these dark forces began to war and invade Genesys, driving humanity itself to near extinction. All had appeared lost until the arrival of two organizations, Light Tech Industries and the Revelations Project. Together under the name of the Holy Empire, they combated this darkness that threatened their world. While the war was not truly won, it gave humanity the chance to recover at long last.
Society rebuilt itself through famine and evil though quickly found itself against other problems, corruption. Many a person sought what the Holy Empire had brought, thus they began to start wars with more than the dark realm. For centuries this had remained the norm until finally all the kingdoms settled following much bloodshed. The Holy Kingdom remains atop the world, using its Revelations Project and highly skilled soldiers to maintain the peace; though for how much longer can this last?
I have made a LOT of content over the years: some of it successful, some of it not-so-much, some of it forgotten to time or merely set as concepts that I have forgotten to revisit. Whatever the case, it still is of interesting interest, a log of my ability from years gone by. And to give you an idea on range… my late Highschool and Early College years.
Pre-Ravenlight, Pre-AlexanderStormsong. The Wild West of my history!
Something from back in 2016, born from the simple desire to write a scene where there was a fight on a train. Yeeeeup!!
Had no idea what I was doing. It was one of my first projects I tried to serialize at the time, which eventually led to Ravenlight’s predecessor’s demise & the rebirth AS Ravenlight itself!!
The year is 2032, October 7th. It was a night like any other. Humanity had grown to be successful with most plagues and war threats gone. All was looking up until this night, the night of the comet. At the stroke of 3 AM, a comet crashed down and plunged deep into the Earth’s crust, setting off a barrage of shock waves and other problematic sorts like volcanoes and Tsunamis.
Just when the worst seemed to be over, it became clear that this comet was no ordinary comet, it being one that tore open portals to ‘the shadow world’, one parallel with our own and from it, dark creatures began to invade. Humanity dwindled in the coming war for many years until at last, the Sun returned driving the enemy back. It was obvious, they were weak to sunlight. It was then that humanity decided it best to withdraw from the physical realm and into special shelter cities that the Dark Menace could not penetrate.
Centuries later and all was the same though now, minus exploration missions into the Shadow World though those times are soon to be up as Dark Forces infiltrate the human world just as the plan for invasion comes up. Who will come out on top?
Project DreamScapers
Also something from 2016, one of my first few serialized projects right after Nightwalkers. It was part of the trinity of that time and had a good few chapters before eventually turning into Sins of Fate, which was SLIGHTLY more mature but not really.
Life couldn’t be any more ordinary for Derrick and his friends, so painfully so that on the night of wishing they could find excitement at long last. Wish granted as later that evening when they witness the Order of Natural, Unusual, and Strange (ONUS) combat a strange creature not of this world. Facing total memory erasal or to join ONUS, they choose the latter and become specially trained forces to investigate and put a stop to the strange and unusual… how will they fair though as the activity of the unusual increases due to a yet to be seen unnatural force?
Short Stories, Poems, Interviews, and More??
There is a lot more from my past- random things I did out of boredom in highscool, nifty little projects for said Highschool and even my college courses. There are poems- hell, MY ORIGIN is in there where I did a silly little Warrior Cats thing called Fighters (granted that wasn’t THEE first series or project I did). Rather than go over all of that I’ll just point you in the right direction—> My Penana up above.
And if you want some details…
Interviews with Don
A crackhead ‘radio’ host doing interviews with characters from my upcoming projects, and maybe my staff or other people in the future.
Meet the Cast
A series (currently on hiatus) where I showcase bits and trivia about the cast of my various projects.
The Misc Pile
Pretty much everything I just said under the title of “Short Stories, Poems, And More!! Wattpad Edition” as Wattpad is where I started out before putting EVERYTHING on my Penana. 16 different stories there.